
I am as beautiful as the red and purple hues of a golden goddess after a deadly storm..still standing, rising, and setting as if there'll be no tomorrow.
No earthly being can describe me
And I dont need anyone to tell me differently
Hashtag Selfie

Will I be dark skinned or light skinned today?
Lets go with Valencia, I need more likes and light skins do it better

I am the sun and the earth but not the moon
No ones exploring my dark side today.
Hashtag Team Light Skin

Can I take a picture inside of a picture?
Hashtag Selfie Game On Point

Mirrors dirty but my fit is clean
Hashtag Dirty Mirror Pics

I woke up like this..
Hashtag Flawless

If I read one more failed attempt at being an attention whore I might just reveal the ugly truth behind your over processed lie.
Ten filters and a miracle will not suddenly convert you from dark skinned to light skinned
A beautiful quote by someone whose name you can't even remember will not suddenly make you an intellectual
Fifty likes on a picture that sorta resembles you i mean....if you had plastic surgery and bleached your skin will not make you a model.
Your beauty can not be measured in instagrams, written in a Facebook, or hashed out by tags
You can't put a price tag on nature..on natural
So Drop the freaking hashtag and leave the selfies alone
This is a stickup
I'm here for your insecurities, you know, the ones rooted deeply in your bones
The ones you think your filters dig so deeply to cover up
But a filter doesn't shovel, it holds back your depth and only lets the shallow through
Why hide behind a handicap that hinders you from being you?
If I had a selfie for every unfiltered beauty I could make a world sized collage of broken shards filled with securities that don't quite match up to faces.
I could make a million tones of skin colors instead of just three
I could immortalize the faces of a generation as they should be....pure, unaltered, layered.
I could show that beauty is only skin deep..it doesn't reach your bones
You can have the most beautiful filter with the ugliest background
But you can't edit out where you came from, who you are
Its etched in cursive letters across your bones
Its deeper than a selfie can capture
And more intricate than a hashtag can describe
I am as beautiful as the red and purple hues of a golden goddess after a deadly storm..still standing, rising, and setting as if there'll be no tomorrow.
No earthly being can describe me
And I dont need anyone to tell me differently
Hashtag Self Respect



Brianna--this is a great poem. I love how you use filters as a way to talk about race. It's just an awesome concept. 

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