self saving
when i was a younger soul,
i let a man destroy me
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
and fell hopelessly for the devil
because his words were like music
and when he left for the first time
i tried to do my own leaving to
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
and stepped into the street,
purposely forgetting to look both ways
as i made it to my house safely
it took a while to set in
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
and hoped that someone wouldn't stop
for a man who didn't even deserve my smile
when i was sixteen,
i refused to eat anything that came my way
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
and willed the number on the scales to go lower
even though i knew '78' was much too little
the day i fainted for the first time
because i had nothing in my body but water
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
thinking that this would be the last time
but i woke up, and life went on
when i was seventeen,
my demons took the form of my peers
i had closed my eyes, crossed my fingers
with the notion that today,
something would be different.
i saved myself.
nothing changes without good intentions
you must close your eyes, cross your fingers
and know that every action has a reaction
you must learn to create your own happiness
it is far too easy to try and run
to abanon life in face of adversity
close your eyes, cross your fingers
take a deep breath
and fight on.
we were never promised the world was easy
but instead, that life was beautiful
close your eyes, cross your fingers
and look forward to what life can be
it's always darkest before the dawn.