Seeing Myself.
Opening my eyes,
Starring at my thighs,
A sad face in the mirror,
Trying hard to see an image clearer.
Knowing I was large,
having fear I turned into a barge,
Beginning to see my fate,
I turned to my favorite slice of cake.
Soon seeing how unhappy,
My mother was not sappy,
I know about a change,
Came across strange.
Instead of hating my body,
It became such a hobby,
To stop my frown,
The thoughts I had to drown.
I began to smile,
Not complaining about my 'style,'
Knowing I was large,
Escaped my fear of being called a barge,
I thought I was beautiful,
The opinions were undutiful.
But why did they matter?
Who cares if I would get flatter,
for all my life i was ashamed,
Ugly I was named.
As the trees got taller,
I no longer felt smaller.
For I am beautiful.