The Secret to Life

Sun, 05/26/2013 - 19:37 -- jmajek

Dried blood and dried tears
The storm is over and fear remains
Layer after layer to reach the truth.
The core is not filled with knowledge, but enigma.

Screams as loud as a scuttling ant
Tantrums as ferocious as a baby bunny.
Under thinking, over thinking
Thought processes reaping inept solutions
Where now is that “high cold start”
Not even It shows up to take the blame.
Is this a journey or is this a circle?
Around and around
And then again back around

Where is the love,
The passion?
Where is that uncontrollable force that was supposed to guide us?
But then again
They are all here, lined up, manipulating.
The only thing that seems to have no inclination of how to go about life; moi
“To be or not to be” that was the question
But was there ever an option?
This path only leads you one place
Right where you began in the beginning
The secret to life….?
There is none


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