The Second Edition of Me
Determined, empowered and bold
Words that always screamed my name
My life
My identity,
Now embossed, and sealed on the life of another
Did I create this? Me? Did I make this?
Wild blonde curls that refuse to be brushed
I behold
My image
My life
Inscribed upon a smaller
body of another
She is small,
Dimunitive, I say
And I,
I am bigger
I am smarter
at all of twenty four
Face to face with my little one
I wither in fortitude
A motionless, spineless
Mother of one
She who owns
My sadness
My confidence
My pride
I made the kid who scratched your face?
The one who put that adult in his place?
Is she mine
The one who pulled your hair
The one who will always dare?
Strong gray eyes that size up my power
Knowing and fierce
A force that triples in size
She is
Much larger than me
I think
And much
Much kinder than me
Much better than me
The same little one’s eyes well up with tears
Despises injustice
And shares a kind word
Generous with love and laughter
Happiness and song
The same eyes that refuse to behold unfairness
Cruelty or death
Drowning out sadness in its murky gray depths
The same hands
Stubborn and bold
That refuses to obey nature’s command
They will all one day
Led by a mind
That defies all norm
Like mine.
She is me in my kindness
Me in my life
Me in my dreams
In my tenacity
And Hopes
My refusal to stand for cruelty or injustice
My love for all people
My belief in all good
She is mine.
I helped make this creature
Larger than life
I had a part in her heart
Her conscious
Her choice
And I have one now
In her life
In her mission
In her perfection of soul.