Some people say that you’re the summation of all your experiences
Everything you’ve ever done is what makes you
In that case, I’m a shipwreck
Crashing from disorder
To addiction,
Stitches and
Hospital bills,
I am nothing but salt-water tears and broken bones
Colliding with every wave and cliff I’ve been trying to
Sail through safely
Some people say
You are who you choose to be
I like this definition better,
Because at least I have some hope in my future
And believe I can be anything I want to be
If this is true, I am
I am alive
I am going to do something great
(One day)
I am still breathing and I am
I am fighting for a better life
I am fighting to breathe
To exist
Some days I can barely stand
Those are the days I feel like a sinking ship
But I patch up the holes
Treading water until I know I’m safe
No matter how hard the currents
Tug at my feet
I won’t let myself drown
I am a fighter.