Searching for Love

Thu, 01/12/2017 - 22:10 -- Haile

I thought I loved him once

I thought he was the perfect one

The man who marched his men into battle

Who did not leave them out like cattle

The one who showed bravery

In the face of certain death

One who could care less about the odds

And cared more about his men

Instead, he ran  

He was a lot lesser of a man

He couldn't care less who got slain in his wake

He was a phony and a fake

How could I ever love a man

Who was such a coward

That he ran

I looked at him with shame on my face

I wondered how I could ever have fallen

for the likes of him

I did, though I fell for him

My love for him apparently unrequited

For if he loved me he would have stayed

And fought in my honor

Since he did not

I was left for those who conquered

To pillage and plunder

For their own needs and selfish ways

By the time I made my way around to the leader

I had been thoroughly enjoyed many times

So many times

I thought it could never get worse

The man who lead

Decided to take me as his Wed

He was a crass and cruel man

But I gladly went to his bed

It meant no more other men

And for that I was grateful

I slowly fell for him

I knew what love could do to a person

So I fought my heart, tooth, and nail

And when I finally said those three words

I love you

I saw his eyes darken

I did not know what to make of it

I bent over

assuming the position of punishment

Waiting to feel his belt

Instead, I felt his arms go around me

And pull me into his chest

He buried his head in my hair

And he says the four words

I have been searching for my whole life

I love you too

Then we head to his bed

and make love till morning

I finally found love


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