Screaming at the Deaf
Why do you scream
and writhe in rage
at that child
Who won't return your gaze?
He cannot hear you
He is deaf.
He cannot see you
He is blind.
How will you reach him?
Reach out and touch him
He can feel.
And he will feel like the
Touched by Jesus of Nazareth.
Shunned by everyone else
But loved by someone.
For to love is to give yourself away
Until your hands are bruised
and scarred
and you want to die
Because you want to hide
In your own little world
You want to leap into the waters of apathy
For you would rather drown
Than see your reflection
In the face of a clown
And have to throw away the makeup
You have coated yourself
and your world with.
Then you must cut out your heart
and hand it over
To be torn to pieces
By the blind and deaf.
To be torn to pieces
By those who coat everything
With more and more makeup
Until their hearts are lumps of powder.
But cease screaming
and anger
and frustration at their deafness.
They cannot hear.
Do not despair.
For you too could not hear
a long time ago.
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Nice poem. I love it :)
Wow this is a really good poem. Astonishing
This was so amazingly written....I started to tear up while reading it. You are an amazing witer, words alone can not capture how well that was writen. <3