A Scrabble For Tomorrow
The sky-water leapt away
The palm trees shone, the streets grew balmy
Heavy with the the long stretch to June
Everything seemed laden with futility--
The world pregnant with woes,
Waiting, always, for the labor of hope
Months in a drench of sweat
Days spent-- a machine-- in testing rooms
SAT, ACT, Subject Tests-- watch the money
And the dreams drop slowly into the hungry maws of corporation
A fiery sun kisses the astroturf, and the little rubber crumbs grow squishy beneath heels
Pomp and Circumstance like a scratched record, the band slaves away-- with me
Hair in the wind, mingling with swampy meadows
The bright, singing sky caught in a rearview mirror
Boots squelch, perspiration beads
I blink, and the vision is gone
I seem bound to the computer--
Bound to the desperate cry of college!
The rains wash away dirt from the sidewalks,
And I see now--
There is no arrival of hope, or change, or future.
It is every day, bound into the framework of life
Woven into us