Scars That Heal
Their eyes run to and fro, they see only the outer shell
But what they don’t see, resides inside me, it’s what I’m afraid to tell
Their eyes see assured, confident, and fun
But they don’t know, that inside I see, a person who’s simply undone
So, they continue to laugh, mock, and poke fun, Not knowing it’s causing such pain
But to me, deep inside, it cuts and it scars, and I will never be the same
What to do? How to cope? Each day I wonder aloud
But I go back inside, the safety of darkness, and try to blend in with the crowd
Revelation came, an epiphany of sorts, and brought light to my darkness inside
Love like a cure, mended my wounds, and then proceeded to open my eyes
For the first time I saw, the truth of my soul, and shocked at what I beheld
I wasn’t so weak and scared as once thought, but felt bold in my story to tell
Now with boldness I stand and take on the tormenters, as for other victims they crave
I stand in their way, blocking their path, determined to be courageous and brave
I will not relent or give in to the crowd, as they take joy in destruction and tears
I know so full well, the scars that they leave, I’ve bore them for too many years
Bond together! Unite! Stand strong and let’s fight, understand the battle fully
For the scars deep inside, were not from a knife, but… the words of a teenage bully