Say Hello to Student #24876
Say hello to Student #24876
He'll be the one sitting quietly in the corner staring down at his blank paper
Student #24876 doesn't smile, they broke that long ago
He's been traumatized and victimized by the system that he's been forced to undergo
Student #24876 had hopes and dreams, but their long gone now
So instead, he sits with a sharpened number two pencil and a frown
You see, Student #24876 put his trust in those who were charged with his fragile mind
But in return they they handed him a letter grade and left him behind
He's been labeled as troubled , marked as a lost cause
Just another beautiful, creative soul dropped in the system's cracks and flaws
Student #24876 is all of us, all of us are him
Sitting in a class full of losers, in a system where one simply does not win.