Saving You
I wanna save you
It’s not my job but I wanna save you
I don’t know how to but I wanna save you
I can’t save you unless you want it
I know you don’t want it but I still have this raging urge
I’m constantly thinking of you when I see love quotes and songs
I replay our moments like my favorite love song
I always keep you in my prayers and hold you in my heart
I just want to save you
I don’t wanna be your girlfriend or your best friend
I just wanna save you
I see so much hurt in a person I know is good
I just wanna save you
I wish you allowed me the space and time so maybe I could heal you
I just wanna save you
You mean the world to me even though you do know
I love you with all my heart I wish for you to never be alone
I know I can’t speak to you or protect your heart
I just wanna save you
I want to set you free and protect you from the dark
I’ll shield and take all the wounds because you’ve had enough
You’re chasing your first high and hiding in the dark
You never healed the little you but a grown man grew
Oh baby please let me save you I just want to help
I know hurt people, hurt people but I want to help
I’m working on my healing and I’m doing pretty well
But I see you in denial can you please just scream out
I just wanna save you before it’s to late
That’s my deepest fear is not hearing you anymore
Knowing your soft skin and coffee eyes aren’t on this earth anymore would tear me apart
Jamarii please let me save you before it’s too dark
Times get rough and you hold it all
I just want to help and mend
M.A.I hope you’re doing well
And I hope you find peace
You can’t do it on your own
But you’ve had no one stay
I’m always here in the whispers you just can’t see
If you call I’ll fall just as fast so I can see
See your beautiful smile and all the gold about you
I know what you’re capable of but you need to heal first
A bombshell it will be if you don’t take care
Your liver is hurting and your lungs can not breath
I only ask you one thing,
M.A.please, let me save you, it was my last dying wish