We have all become savages; we just don't eat each other
Ask mr to explain that, Yes I will
Two young men robbing and elderly lady across the street,
Leaving her laying here like a corpse
as the ran off to feast on what's not theirs.
Did thepedestrians see it and keep walking? yes they did.
The trauma that killed her could have been unlikely
if there was respect.
We have all become savages; we just don't eat each other
Ask me to explain that, yes i will
She is darkskin, they are a little lighter skinned
She is short, they are a little taller
She is large, the are a little slim
and just for that,
they wil not sit at the same table at lunch
and neither will they talk to her.
The depression that killed her could have been prevented
by unity.
We have all become savages; we just don't eat each other.
Ask me to explain that, yes I will.
He was there at the crime scene
he knows the criminal, he knows the victim
but just for a few bucks, he testifies against the victim.
The death sentence he was given could have been averted
bye truth.
We have all become savages; we just don't eat each other.
Ask me to explain that, yes i will.
You heard me screaming for help the other day,
did you come to my rescue? No you didn't.
You heard it all
as they ripped me off of my dignity
and you managed to come to my face and say
"I'm sorry to hear what happened"
You heard it alright.
My joy that died could have still been there
If you had compassion.
We hava all become savages; we just don't eat each other.
Ask me to explain that, yes i will.
I see all this and all I do is just watch and write.
There must be something else i can do but i don't.
More people die and i still watch and write.
This doesn't make me any different
from the young men, the lightskin girls,
and the other man.
What happened to love?
What happened to humanity?
What happened to unity?
What happened to appreciarion of ifference?
Ita all gone.
We've all become savages; we just don't eat each other.