Sara and I
One day, Sara and I
we played in the sunshine, her eyes sparkling and wide.
We sat on the grass
to watch the ants march by.
One by one
under the midsummer sky.
We lay on the dirt
to look up at the clouds.
We saw rabbits, dragons, houses full of ghosts,
and a whole cheering crowd.
We ran up and down
through the garden rows.
Past the daffodils, the carrots,
the almost ripe tomatoes.
The Sara and I, we climbed up a tree.
In our minds, we saw a house, as pretty as can be.
Then I tumbled down, and I scraped my knee.
I yelled, and my mother came running.
We went inside, just as the sun was sining down.
I said "I was playing with Sara".
She sighed, looking round,
to the kindergarten picture of my poor sis Sara
next to the one of her resting peacefully in the ground