I sit behind a screen while a familiar question bounces from mind to mind across the world. "What's one thing you could not live without? “ My brain is pricked and prodded as I see the vast array of responses. Some people choose a person whom they love so dearly and cannot bare to lose. Others choose an object that they truly believe they need in order to continue on in this world. I am not so easily hooked. There's no question in my head that the one thing I require for my very existence is my sanity. Take a moment to ponder what has just escaped my lips.
This is a concept that does not get enough credit. For if I had no sanity, how could I ever love another human being. I would have no compassion, no empathy, no feeling. Like a fire, I would just consume everything in my path until there was nothing left. I would become a psychopath or a sociopath, a costume with no real face. Without my sanity, how would I even grasp the concept of possessing an object so near and dear to my heart that in times of trouble I am drawn to this like a mystic power focusing upon an orb. With a lack of one's sanity everything will become utter ruin. The whole world would be my very own asylum for me to wreak havoc upon. My mind would be ripped apart and I would have no help in preventing any of the destruction that would come of it. My very own warped existence would create the eighth deadly sin personified. There would be nowhere to hide, the world would be eaten alive and standing at the center would be the man with no judgment. He has called fourth upon this chaos rain by being the true definition of evil.
This dark and frightening dimension all spawns from the small part of one's being that lacks the one key component that holds it all together; sanity. So the next time you begin to think long and hard about what you truly value in life, heed my words. Just think if even for a second, where you would stand if you were to become truly insane. Where would everything begin and where would everything end, would there even be limits?