My time left dwindles
I have to escape
Escape what’s coming
Hit the ground running
From my past
From the future
From myself
I’ve got a lot of running to do
But it seems I’m also running from you
And the risk that you’ll find out
What no one’s supposed to know about
That something that I saw
That shouldn’t have been seen
The secret that was kept
Through an excessive routine
To make sure no one knew
But I saw it anyway
It was no more than a mistake
But the past cannot be undone
It's a game of give and take
That can't ever be won
So I find myself fleeing the scene
Where I committed no crime
The implications unforeseen
Or changing like the flip of a dime
A life changing event
That I’ll never forget
Always in the back of my mind
The table of life was nicely set
Until the tablecloth was ripped from underneath
And everything I once had was lost
Including my last shreds of dignity
Like the fingers of a winter frost
Killing all the flowers in the vicinity
So now I run
I run to where I can be free