Rumi, Michael, and my homeboy Gandhi
Today we’ve come from lands so far away
From the hills by Dos Lagos
To the Norco trails
From the windows of Eddleman
To the West End Quad
We’ve travelled so darn far
But they keep telling us we’ve seen nothing at all
Everytime we jump on a ship
We think we’ve got it
They go
You’ve seen nothing….yet.
You’re just a senior.
But wait a moment
And you will see
The potential we’ll reach
My class of 2014
Universities, we’re going
Careers, devoting
I sound like Dr. Seuss, don’t I?
I know it’s annoying
But not too long ago
I heard this thing…something about being “smart.”
Something about being “keen.”
I was walking along, the IT building
Passing the Corral when I met a man named Rumi
He looked kind of smart
But he didn’t know it yet.
He shared with me his deepest thoughts
And told me to tell my fellow seniors
Rumi said
“Yesterday, I was clever so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
It’s a thing, this idea.
It trends on Twitter.
My other bestie Michael tweeted,
I’m starting with the man in the mirror.
The reflective outlooks don’t stop even if they could
My homeboy Gandhi responded
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
#d14monds #stayc14ssy Class of 2014
Remember what I said at the Talent Show?
“You walk in stride,
When it comes to learning, you’re so keen.”
College rejections?
Freshman inception?
Dr. Seuss, go away
I’m trying to make a difference
Because when people throw away food,
I remember the kids starving in Africa
But I don’t like mushrooms
I’m just as hypocritical
So I joined Showcase today
To do what I always do
Talk, talk, talk a lot
And hope you might listen too
Before we go off
Into this real world they tell scary stories about
Remember where you came from
Timberwolves, without a doubt
Even if you walk 500 miles,
You’re bulletproof, nothing to lose.
We’re not going to live for the applause.
We’ll be too busy counting stars.
In college, kids will be distracted.
when they have to stop and take a selfie
You’ll be too busy being announced,
Knowing who’s on your team.
The potential you can reach,
is at the t-t-top of the world.
That’s what the fox told me,
Once he got his head in the game.
Just just hold on hold on,
I’m going home.
It’s gonna be the best day of my life.
But not because we’re done here,
But because it’s the start of the something new
It’s almost over
And you haven’t done this?
You haven’t smiled for an entire week?
Donated a dollar to a random person on the street?
Fought but for something you love?
Spoke up on your own behalf, instead of letting others talk?
Such small acts, it might not make sense
Because I am talking about the world
But you’re just not paying attention
So start right here.
67 real days left.
Do something before I shed a tear.
If you don’t do this
It might be a little late
Feel the pressure for what I am about to say
It might be a little late
To make small changes in the world
Guess you’ll have to compensate
Guess you have to make big changes in the world
And since we’re JFK Seniors, that’s expected anyway
Just stop worrying about college acceptances and body image
We’re too close to perfect
67 real days left.
You know in the end, it’s going to work out.
From Harvard to Cal Sate San Bernardino
The world is going to know
That JFK let the timberwolves out
I joined here today
To talk talk talk a lot
And hopefully you listened
Hopefully I triggered a thought
Remember Rumi, Michael, and my homeboy Gandhi
Before you start pointing fingers at another somebody
From the windows of Eddleman
To the west End Quad we’ve walked
Doesn’t matter if you’ve been here 3 years or not
I expect to see your names flashing on TV
And that we unite in some afterlife or heaven or something
And that I hear of all the people you made smile
And that it’s all because you stayed at JFK for a little while.
Diamonds, Stay Classy, not trashy
Please stand up my Class of 2014
Grab your invisible caps
And toss
Because today is the day you’ve really graduated
Today is the day you’re going to be the change in the world you really want to see.