By anonymously me
Thorns in my side
man it hurts so bad...
Makes me so sad...
Makes me so mad...
To bad...I'm like a rose...
I grow in the dark bad night
and shine bright in the light good day...
Its not all its cracked up to be but...
Its all is not...supposed to be...
So I welcome u to the days of may...
The days of may be may be not...
Its not as it may seem yet not what it may not seem...
I'm a rose...
So I rose...i rised up to life
And ditched the lies...
Cleaned the white to dirty the black...
I'm all in for poker beat you in craps...
Got these cards in my hand bets made...
No going back...
Rush and roulette with life as I strive to provide... For myself...
Was On a path through darkness
so I never saw my true wealth my true self...
But hey im a rose your a rose we all are roses in Gods rose garden he watches us grow through our troubles and he sees
Us blossom...
So awesome...
Though we go through things no one else with a twisted mind could conjure up...
We still arise to become a beautiful rose...
Despite the harsh weathers growing up...
But I need to ask u is that truly enough...
Live by...
Survive by...
Or is there more to live then to survive...
Or to just try...
If trying is losing and doing achieving...
Then in the end why aren't we all just doing it...
Farewell for now
what u think u r u r not...
U'll figure it out...