Room 856
One of the funny things about life is that
I am a writer
But so often, in cast gifts or ‘thank you’ cards on closing nights
I have found myself unable to articulate my gratitude for all you do
So, I will use this slam as an opportunity to tell some stories
Of the way you changed my life in high school
One. It was the first period
Of the first day
Of my first year of high school
And I sat in the middle of the second to last row of your class
It turns out that receiving the syllabus of my much-anticipated theatre class would be the only good thing about that first day.
There have been many such days
Two. The cast list
A white piece of paper with black text
Shrouded in anticipation-and my name
Lennox…………………..Colette Webb
I recall the excitement and confusion-
Me? He trusts me? He picked me?
A faith in my abilities that I had never experienced before
Not even in my own heart
Three. The first time that theatre saved my life.
I felt that my world was long-since broken and never would be fixed.
I wrote a note in second period.
But I went to rehearsal that evening anyway.
Years later, I cannot remember the exact words
But something was said or done at that rehearsal that put the world into a different perspective;
My candle still had to do its part to light that show.
Four. Letters to Sala.
The most surprising role of my life.
And the most terrifying, to this day.
Theatre was my career plan at that point, but I remember the rehearsal
When you yourself cried real tears
And for the first time theatre made me think of the word-
What we are doing is bigger than ourselves
Five. The Theatre 4 curriculum
Required my small, independent-study class
To write and direct a play
I never had the courage to write and defend my writing before it counted for a grade
But I now must stand a firm believer in the butterfly effect-
I am going to college to study theatre, to direct
Six. One More Light
This is perhaps the most important story I will ever have to tell.
Second semester, my junior year, we delved into I topic
I and others considered ourselves intimately familiar with-suicide
Theatre for social change
Is what that type of project is called
But that project changed my whole world
Not only did it equip me to handle serious subjects on a stage
I learned the language
I learned the tools
I learned the responsibility
And the very semester it was all put to the test-and I had the tools at my hands and I learned what it meant to value a life over a friendship
No project will ever mean more
So, Mr. Akers,
In the most simplistic way I can manage-
thank you
Rock on.