Risen King by Timothy S.
Death couldn't hold you down, you are the king who's risen, to save mankind eating from trees forbidden. All thanks to you Lord now I'm living, and I'm warm in the palm of your hands like mittens. You can perceive when I'm standing or sitting with acceptance in your Kingdom so I fit in. When man shines bright like stars you're at a large within your glory. Not avoided to be remembered so we spot you through crucifixion. Everything you told us came in honesty whether we liked it or not; to save us and warn us of the things to come. By the grace you spread abroad you made us daughter and sons, and I can count this on a clock like a quarter-to-one. Losses are meant for sinners, but Jesus He won it, which is why I worship His name in TSC and Summit. No one has ever died for our sins but He done it, and I'm not 50% sure on this so I keep it hundred. Anything interfering my walk is causing static, so if the Spirit tells me to leave then that's a choice automatic-Christ can clean any junk that's in your attic, through prayers delivered to Heaven like you faxed it. Rich in mercy is your kindness sprinkled sweetly to the gloomy seeking for a comfort zone. Every promise God spoke-take it to heart and trust it because His Spirit in the atmosphere removes the hatred disruptive. One cross, one sin, one God bearing our burdens in these nails to be added for our mistakes, so when we need some adjustments to the way were cutting up, just know we have a Savior who's sharp in mercy like button-ups.