A Rise from Shadows
"A boy, a boy,
A boy!" they did say,Care was shown wherever he layAnd he was treated with love from his very first day. Born in the arms of a great family,Everyone said it was as great as could be, All but the boy that they failed to see. Life was great in its early years, the boy was protected, sheltered from his fears, And never a harsh word ever reached his ears.It was only as he grew that he began to know tears. For it was only at home that knew never a scold,And in the outside world, hate he began to behold,More and more darkness as he began to grow old,And he was corrupted, his heart turned cold. At school, he was hit, kicked, and shoved,At home, he was told he was loved,But the world had slaughtered an innocent dove. He couldn't fight back, he was too small, too weak,And from his soul, his emotions did leak, Down into darkness his heard seemed to seep. And then there was light,An renewed sense of height,The boy found a pen to renew his fight,To combat the slings and arrows encountered at night. To rise out of Hades,With words he just might.