Rise Above


United States
32° 48' 26.4636" N, 89° 28' 27.1848" W

We all end up low at some time

Pushed down, faces in the pavement

All we can do is sit and cry

Wallow in our misery and lament.

Hide from our friends and family

"What would they think if they saw me like this?

Down on my luck and gracelessly

Longing for a touch of the happiness I miss?"

Our lives all have struggles and pain

Sure, they're sometimes too tough to break through

But there cannot be rainbows without any rain

And we will all get up, as we so often do


My pain lifts away when I see his face

His smile brings mine to life always

He curls up with me, head on my on my pillowcase,

Before I realize, my despair goes away.

He looked toward me and my heartbeat rose

I wrapped my arms around him and let out a sigh

He meowed as he licked me, right on the nose

And I smile as I pet Luke, my little kitty guy.




This poem is about: 
Our world


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