The stray winds from a far-off place
Gather round over a still pool
And here the surface breaks.
(The mirror is briefly smudged
And the face is now clouded.
The ripples clear; a new face smiles.
But perhaps it did not end thus.)
A hand reaches through the barrier
And feels the mud and sand.
The water is now dirtied.
A writhing hand tries to quell the chaos,
But the seed buried beneath it all
Yet yearns to break free, to sprout.
But this flower shall not be abided.
This odd lotus shall not bloom
Where many lilies still grow.
Nip it in the bud and lay it to rest.
The cut root dies a silent death.
But yet more seeds lie below.
The hand is bloodied by the knife.
The new seeds shall bloom, and
The lily and lotus, side by side.