Rich white kids
There they are.
they're sitting in that car.
I've never seen a Lamborghini before.
yet there it is at my school.
There they are.
sitting in that house.
I've never been somewhere that a pro ball player lived next to before.
Yet there it is,and they live in it.
There they are.
eating in that restaurant.
i've never seen a menu with no prices before.
yet there it is, and they're still ordering.
I hear what people say when they see those things,
"rich white kids".
there they are.
walking home.
because they can't take the bus.
Because it's too expensive .
There they are.
in one bedroom.
with their mom, stepdad, and brother.
because it's better than the streets.
There they are.
Eating thanksgiving dinner out of a microwave.
In a hotel room.
because they're lucky those people at Safeway gave them some food instead of the food bank.
i hear what they say when they when they see these things,
"Ghetto black kids"
But I'll tell you,
people don't have it twisted, but they have it confused.
not one of the people driving those cars, living in those homes, or eating those meals were white.
but that 12 year old girl walking,
and sitting in that cramped room in another family's home,
and eating that partially cold dinner ,
was me.
and the fairness of my skin is as noticeable as those stereotypes plastered across photos on the internet.
so tell me again how that several million dollar home belongs to the white kids,
because I'm not the only one who knows it doesn't.