The Return of the Past
Shadow Realm Part 2
I walked through the year softly and carefully.
Through the endless realm I saw a portal from my past.
No… not one but many.
Wondering by them I see my past that betrayed my trust.
Sudden sounds start to trail a forgotten foe
A living smoke of darkness attacks me from the distance.
I ran as fast as I could until It was safe,
Or at least that’s what was assumed.
While resting, another portal appears.
I don't dare to come near it but just look from afar.
Past's guidance to many failures throughout the many years curses the air.
I get dizzy and try to find a way to freedom.
Again and again portals appear in front of me.
The Negative Rush from their shackles vanish into my inner core.
Trying to take over my motions I run quickly where ever i can.
I suddenly felt a stab through my spirit's soul.
I fell on my knees and found another portal beside me.
The separation of what I hold deeply crashes my veins.
Trying to break the only bond I have left that kept me stable.
I saw a unknown light in the distance.
I crawl and crawl to the light.
But it fades and i see her.
The one I held most deeply in the core of my soul's heart,
But the dark smoke came out of her hands.
Cursed eyes spreading fear into past love.
And in a blink, she vanishes leaving the knife..
Being crushed by the sight I lost thoughts, and feelings.
She is who stabbed my existence, ripped clean.
Then suddenly... I fall not knowing what was done.
I awake at the same place, with the knife stained blood.
Can't think or know what to do next.
Questioning how I can survive in this mysterious place.
I see a trail of glittering soul dust in the air.
Not caring what happens next, I just follow.
After the long walk to an unknown destination.
Something screams and i stop.
Then I turn and look.
Many roaring ghosts run to me.
The ground shakes but I stand.. knowing escapes are hopeless.
Caught and trapped in the rush of the hallows.
It shocks my soul and crashes what i have left.
My core is taken from me and I collaspe under them.
I can barely breath, all the greeds stole my life.
My core, bonds, and memories were all taken from me.
Now my goal disappears and give in to what ever strikes next,
I wait until the deed is done,
But the patience, was never an answer