Rest Easy, Heroes
For my beloved sister, Erin, who was a wonderful mother and an inspiration to many for fighting cancer to her dying breath for the love of her family...She is my hero.
For justice and good the gallant gladly gather,
Men and women of duty, honor, and valor,
Mentors, freedom fighters, and warriors,
Parents, protectors, and peacemakers,
Rescuers and healers,
Sisters and brothers,
For our sakes you take the bullets,
You take the arrows,
Right to your noble hearts,
Or straight through the marrow,
You who are brave and bold,
For all your wounds and woes,
Rest easy, heroes,
Protectors of what we are and what we were,
We owe you a lot; that much is sure,
I salute you unsung servants of the people,
By whose sacrifices we won,
Our ever diligent patrons of principle,
And champions of courage,
For your struggle to serve,
Rest in this moment; rest well,
For all your wounds,
For all your woes,
Rest easy, heroes