I will always choose other people’s
Happiness over mine
I keep trying to tell myself
Everything will be fine
But the smiles they I share don't soothe
The pain I feel inside
Because the screams that I suppress
And the tears that I hide
Are just fleeting reminders of all
The times that I have lied
To be strong for my sisters and for
My parents to get by
I bit my lip and set my face and
Walked around half-alive
I had to cry from my arms in the
Dark so I could survive
Long sleeves, wide smiles, and bitter silence
Covered up my dark crimes
I've got my good days, my bad days, and
My terrifying times
But I keep quiet because they don't
All quite understand why
My spirit feels cracked, my will feels smashed,
And why some nights I cry
Even I don't know, but I hope things
Will turn out alright
So I won't quit because in my heart
I know it's worth the fight