At four years old
I skimmed my knee
Crying on the pavement, sobbing, screaming
Bloody band-aid, red checks,
Waiting for someone to rescue me
At eight years old
I failed my first test
Spelling and math,
I waited for my brain to rescue me
Twelve years old,
I looked at me
I hated what I saw,
My stomach, my thighs,
Too big, too wide,
No one could rescue me
Fourteen years old
They bullied me
I was alone
A friendless freak
Expectations, pressure
Crooked teeth
Who would rescue me?
At sixteen years old,
I moved to a new school
New friends, new teachers
New opportunities
People who Cared
I wasn’t anxious to try new things
They had rescued me
Now I’m eighteen years old
Unafraid to be myself
Confident, Courageous
Creating my own art
My head held high, I watch them stare
I had rescued me