Republicans ... don't you just love 'em.
So good with the ethics,
the caring, considerate, oh so
compassionate Christian
way of getting things done ...
the looking out for the needy,
the helping the helpless,
the following the words of
their saviour thing they've
got going on here,
its curious to say the least or just
simply stone cold hypocritical
how the political party
most mouthing out
the words of God,
most concerned with
prayers & such,
seems quite comfortable
if not , well almost gleeful,
at the prospect of a tougher,
harder life for the elderly,
the sick,
the impoverished.
Have they read the same Jesus texts as me?
Sermon on the Mount lets say,
& how is your Christianity weighed
I wonder?
God helps those who help themselves?
God pays back those who pay the preacher?
God doesn't really believe in the very idea
of 'help' in any form whatsoever?
What give Republicans?
Once more I ask this fundamental question.
Republicans, are you human?