Removed from the Picture Frame
When I take pictures,
I want them to be me.
No hidden faults,
no dumb deceits.
When I take pictures,
I show the way I feel.
I am a human being,
Unlike pictures, I am real.
Pictures still hide things,
like blemishes and blots.
Is she really that rotund?
Has she not eaten in months?
It's all about perspective,
not about what you see.
Having a great perspective
really is the key.
I see myself in a different light
than what my pictures show.
I'm almighty and all-powerful,
I have plans for where I'll go.
I'm not a shallow person,
making a silly face.
I have dreams and I have wishes
I will follow them and leave my trace.
I will show the world what I can do
better through my actions
than with a picture where my only hope
is that beauty is my faction.
I want all you picture-takers
to think about what I say.
Perspective is important,
you need it every day.
Think about how people feel
behind their sassy poses.
Are they sad? Do they have a dream?
If not addressed, the door that's open closes.
I have a wish, something to strive for,
something that I work for every day.
Something that's not expressed with makeup,
something where a picture can have no say.
I want the world to know
that I am more than just a photo
I am deeper, I'm a thinker,
I am more than what my picture shows.
Why should I hide myself
behind a lens, a piece of glass?
Why shouldn't I show who I really am?
Get off my phone, get out of that class.
Remove yourself from that picture frame,
don't be defined by expressions that are fake.
I believe in you, I believe in me, too.
We can be ourselves, so don't wait.