Reminiscent Beige
I am Beige.
Smeared across countless walls in infinite shades,
Plastered over fissures and cracks,
I am many things.
Cookies baked just right,
Beams of light just before they fade into the night.
I am wood putty and plasters,
I am the groundwork of buildings and beaches.
I am warm sun-kissed skin before the bitter winter.
I am Beige,
That feeling that’s hard to describe
The content syrupy sentiment of satisfaction that beckons in sleep
I am the color that is everywhere,
In classrooms, doctors’ offices, police stations, and hospitals,
But unremarkable, for the most part I go unnoticed.
I don’t mind, good friends with bone white, wine burgundy, and auburn tan.
I’m one of many neutral colors,
We go unnoticed, but remain present all the same.
I am Beige.
I’m that good ache the one that let lets you know a hurt is healing.
I am Beige, and though not many remember my name, confused with other labels,
Brown, russet, off-white, coffee.
Those are my friends, and my sisters,
Because I am Beige.