As a grown up moments pass by,
like a siren from an on coming ambulance.
For I remember what childhood was like,
Not being able to pronounce misantrophy,
or understand the principles of philosophy.
I did not grow up as John Stuart Mill,
ingrained with a strong Utilitarian mindet.
Nor was I fostered liken to Immanuel Kant,
bejourning upon the universals of "life".
I became a capitalist,
that I can remember.
While I remember other kids who played
with their gameboys and legos,
All I had were stolen Yu-Gi-Oh packs from wal-mart.
I remeber having to trade those, for more cards,
and selling from the lot aquired,
to then buy one, just one, used gameboy color.
Now as an adult stealing is unacceptable,
but of course it's not so when a genuine huslte was procured.
Life stole my childhood, in exchange for knowledge.
Therefore I huslte, but to the consumer that is stealing.
Remember, for the good of all.
Remember, it is a universal law.
Remember you can hustle to,
Use capitalism, kantianism, utilitarianism
See if I get hustled too...