Religion, Pt.2
I used to pray every night
For my mother to get well
For my father to fix his bad habits
For my brother to not fail
But nothing ever changed
Things only ever got worse
From abusive stepdads
To perverted stepbrothers
One broken household to the next
I used to pray my heart out
Hoping for some kind of change
I put my faith in a stranger
Trusting him to help
But instead he beat me down
Defeated me, if you must
Fed me lies filled with hope for my mother
But nothing ever changed
And still I was expected to praise him
And maybe I gave him too much credit
Yes, I think that might be it
Too much power in one’s hands
Can lead to detrimental tendencies
Like worshipping strangers
And I was fucking stupid enough to believe
What is religion?
I don’t really want to know
From my little experience with it
I’m going to stay far away
This stranger we all praise
He’s was never worth my faith
All he ever did was use me
And abuse me
He never took the time to choose me
He only gave me a false hope
All I ever asked
Was a pretty simple task
But I guess
I am the one at blame
For putting my trust in the hands of a stranger
And letting him walk away