Relationship with Food
When you see a large person
You think they love food, right?
Well I don’t.
I could care less about eating.
It’s calories and carbs
Fattening not sufficing.
I don’t like eating.
I would rather be hungry.
We need it,
But I can’t stop thinking
That the more food that touches my mouth
The more fat I will become.
And I am already large.
Large enough to fill the space of two.
I am more than enough weight
To fill my own company.
So at the table,
My plate glares me in the face.
I push around the food,
Losing my appetite.
I fill up on water,
Enough to float away.
When I think food I think fat.
Seeing fat people be the laughing stock
Of everything I ever see.
Movies with large people,
Never really serious just comedy.
Fat girls just the comedic relief.
Fat guys who never get the girl.
Fat people. Always portrayed as stuffing their face.
I don’t want to be the laughing stock,
The comic relief.
The girl stuffing her face with food.
I hate to be poked at
Because the size of my pants.
That one friend who’s the duff,
The one you can’t borrow clothes from.
The one who makes you thank your body,
Who you seek out to say that you’re not fat.
Because heaven only knows, fat is ugly.
Food sickens me,
It disgusts me.