Reception that is
What I’m stranded here with out
But I bring my cell
I can’t stay a day with out
I yearn to its touch, its feel, its blinking lights and sensors that grasp my attention every two minutes
One, two, three seconds without reaching for my phone
That’s all it takes
Am I dependent on this metal device?
Is this what I choose to bring when my future is not bright?
On an island I stand
No food, no shelter
But I bring what I cherish most
Because that is what I know
That is what I carry all hours of the day
Initial Pleasure
That’s why I bring this device
Not Reasonable
Life is not about reason
It’s about choice
Addiction, trends, fear of missing out
Fear of Missing Out
FOMO it is know as well
No bars, do I care?
I bring it because it has become a part of me
I cannot live without it
Service or not, I am an addict
I cannot live without it
Circumstances relying
I still choose you
Please send me a sign
One text to relieve my pain
No Response. Cold
The Battery wears off just as my body does.
I can no longer play games.
I can no longer feel your warm touch
The Battery Dies
I can feel my bodies’ cold
But I have my phone
The one device I thought I could not live without
Was the one thing killing me now
I chose you
Because I have always relied on you
Now in my time of need you are useless
How was I supposed to know?
10 percent
8, 3, now 1
my phone dies at zero
and along goes my soul
I was a slave to you
Now I’m obsolete
Now I am forever stranded