Receipt for a Ruined Child
Dear mom and dad,
I won't pick up the phone.
I still hold a grudge
From when I felt alone.
You threw me in a place
That was an adolescent hell,
And my cavity of joy
Grows into a cold and steel cell.
In hopes of my salvation
You took your imperious hand
And placed me on a road of strain
To be a star among the damned.
But I wavered beaten and hopeless,
Inadequate and pathetic.
They ravaged my formative heart
And spit all over my ethics.
I've never felt so ashamed
To know I was myself.
I faded into obscurity;
Mediocrity was my stealth.
Four years of grief and struggle
Burn my future life of plenty
And leave me lost in destitution,
A vagrant in the many.
I told you I was angry.
I told you I was sad,
But this illusion of my future
Is the only child you had.
I don't want to be your failure
But I can never change.
You see, my happiness is relative
To the annual sum I'm paid.
Corrupted and estranged,
I am your broken boy,
But you cannot return me,
Because a child is not your toy.