Rebecca Shane
Rebecca Shane
Riveting steel talons
Slung over your shoulders
Blood red blotches
Stain your soles
Even among time
Patient and settle
Beating the line
Where fond memories fluster
Brightened by sight
Aged in wits glazed over wisdom
A sweet aroma
Punctuates the fowl air
Elegant under starlight
Darting like an angel
As golden seas glitter under blue
Luna moon
Clustered are the lost
Love is leached over emptiness
Dreams cringe and bend
But you hold the waving change
Carved in palms
Names as GOD
Said once more
Drive me and soar
Among the clouds
Casting hope
Drooping tender love
Upon the misty men and woman
Grasped by hand
As he guides your plan, Rebecca Shane
Be blessed
Upon this valentines day