The Reason I Write
The reason I write
Is truly a long story
After years of being angry and scared
I was hurt by family
Feeling so unloved
Watched while going to school
Feeling so young and scared
Hurt by friends who claimed they cared
Always called names because of my weight
Words hurt more than sticks and stones
Words stay with you forever
The words said to me
Is the reason I write
The eyes that watch me
Is the reason I write
Before writing it was all bottled inside
No way to come out
One day I just wrote
Wrote it all
On a sheet of paper
I told all my worries
Wrote about all my sorrows
Telling stories to a sheet of paper
Stories no human has ever heard
Writing was my way to vent
Instead of raging arguments
I wrote
Instead of crying
I wrote
Instead of hiding
I wrote
Writing was, is and always will be my way to vent