The Real Vision of Me
I look in the mirror
What do I see?
A girl with pimples and wacky hair.
Beautiful? Me?
Please, only if beauty is someone with a crooked back and split ends.
I don’t fit in with the world
For my breasts aren’t big and I’m defiantly no size 0.
Maybe I should just hide in the shadows.
Away from the world.
That way no one will see
The third-class beauty I came to be.
Then I hear a voice soft but strong.
Wait, my child, you’re wrong!
Look, again.
Don’t you see what I see?
Look passed the shallow surface of skin
And see the truth I’ve placed within.
You’re a princess, can’t you see?
That’s how I made you to be.
Look at your mind that just won’t quiet.
The images, thoughts, and ideas hidden within.
They burn inside you and just won’t stop.
Creating your hard working will to not give up.
Ideas when spoken, make people stop and listen.
Ideas meant to change the world.
Look, again.
Your gifts don’t stop there.
For within you I’ve created a heart that spreads farther than the seas.
I created a heart, my child for me.
The heart you possess contains a love like no other.
A heart that easily forgives
And finds good in others.
Your heart is meant to touch the stars;
To change lives!
You can’t hide your heart
For the world sees your love twinkling in your eyes.
So don’t run, my child, and hear these words to be true
Your beauty shines through.
Not from the shallow agendas of this world
But from the gifts I have given you.
You’re not meant to hide
You’re meant to shine and be a light!
I look in the mirror
Is the voice speaking the truth?
Beautiful? Me?
If that’s the case beauty is more than size and hair.
But that’s what I’ve been told all my life.
Yet, I feel powerful, beautiful and me.
Like I no longer have to run and hide.
Am I really meant to be the flickering light
When the world seems lost and all out of fight?
Could something that beautiful live in me?
Can that be the real vision of me?
The more I look, the more I see, I’m beautiful by just being me.
The world’s definition of beauty can’t hold me back
For now I speak the truth!
My mind is unstoppable
And my love floods the land.
With my gifts, I’m beautiful, powerful, and strong.
I’m first class, Baby!
The mirror was wrong.
I’m beautiful, yes that’s true.
Meant to change the world and be a friend to more than just a few.
Yes, at last I see that this is the real vision of me.