I started college with a new mind set,
New Beginning, basically a NEW ME!
I wanted to explore and seek out what was best for me.
I left my friends and family behind
To meet new people and experience college head on.
Of course as a freshman, I was meeting new people left and right,
But I stuck with the people I was more comfortable with.
Time begins to pick up and move by rather quickly and
I became really close to the ones that were by my side.
I totally ignored my duties as a “friend” to the ones I left behind.
Continuing on to my second semester, I thought the people I befriended
Were my true friends, while forgetting about the ones I left behind.
Reality set in when I found out that those people were never REAL FRIENDS,
Even with all the things I willingly did for them without wanting anything in return.
I had to deal with the fact that everyone couldn’t be a part of my life,
That I probably wouldn’t find my REAL FRIENDS in my freshman year of college.
So as I get closer to entering my sophomore year, I will be more mindful of people
And not so quick to call someone my “friend.”
As I continue to find myself, I am realizing that one of the realist friends I could have