The REAL Beautiful
The one thing I used to fear
Is that I will no longer be able to write
because I no longer feel
deep and scary things.
you see,
those deep and scary things
were never real,
so my words
were just a fantasy
that i turned into
my reality
so that i could say i was feeling
deep and scary things.
and then i would turn those
deep and scary things
into something beautiful,
something to be proud of,
something to strive for.
And I thought
the deep and scary thought
that there was no hope,
when really,
hope is what i was scared of all along.
so i wrote of all these deep and scary things
and i made them beautiful
and i became hopefull
of never being hopefull
so that i would not lose
the deep
and the scary
and the beautiful.
Then one day I stopped feeling
the deep and scary things
And I didn’t even notice their disappearance.
I did all my normal stuff
And I thought all my normal thoughts
Until it was brought to my attention
That the deep and scary things were gone.
And I think at first
I was startled,
Because I heard silence in my head
And I could feel my heart beating
And there was movement of my chest.
I think for the first time,
I took a real breath.
And for the first time
I was existing
And I was hopeful
Of being hopeful
For what would come next.
I think
For the first time in my life
I felt something beautiful.
And I think now,
For the rest of my life,
Everything will be beautiful.