Read This When You Question My Devotion
If you ever question my Love,
then please read this.
Since, My love for you is very unusual.
You see, for you...
I would give up my arms,
for the sake of your happiness,
even if it meant never touching you, forever.
I would give up my legs,
for you to be able to walk into the Future,
even if it's one, without me.
I would give up my dreams,
in exchange for you to reach your own,
even if it meant I were to be left dreamless, empty, & void.
I would give up my Emotions,
so that you will retain the ability to love,
even if it's one, that is not for me.
Ultimately, I would die for you,
in favor of you living,
even if it's a life, devoid of me.
But, truthfully, I don't want to do none of that.
I want to keep my arms,
so that I'll be able to protect You,
from this unfair world.
I want to keep my legs,
so that I can follow You wherever you go, endlessly in this universe.
I want to keep my dreams,
so that I will be able to fulfill my wish to be with You for Life.
I want to keep my Emotions,
so that I will be able to immortally love You and keep you 5ever happy,
But why do I want you, you might ask?
Why, I want you not for your talent, your poem writings, or your beautiful piano skills.
What I want is your quirky personality. Your sloppy and cute handwritings. Your loving nature
I need nothing else but those.
But if you really want to give me something, then give me...
"L - aughter"
and stay as my...
"O - nly one".
Be my forever..
"V - alentine"
and stay by me...
"E - ternally"
Now piece the capital words together,
and that is what you give me? Please?