Read this! It has words and stuff!
Let's be straight here
I don't come from a broken home
I didn't grow up on 8 mile road
And I don't hail from Brooklyn
or Flatiron, or the Bronx
But I have a story too
So listen, to the plight of me,
No sepia tone, no rose-colored glasses
Here are my fears and my dreams
Naked ambition
I was born with this fear,
A strange beast in the back of my mind
When I was small it made me cry
A voice that reminded me everyone dies
Every night, creeping into my house and
Telling me that nothing I do
Will ever leave a dent
What a lovely notion, huh?
But try I will
Because an inventor never gives up
A hacker never backs down
A maker never settles
An artist never retires
These are the lessons I taught myself de niño
And these things I will never forget
Take my hand
And we can step into the void
Because space is big
Mind-bogglingly big,
I read in a book once
And there's a lot of room
To make our dent
We can do it
Strap on your boots and take off the b&w filter
This is no time for nostalgia
It's time to fuck shit up