Fuck your filters
Fuck your animal tested makeup
Fuck your world wide social media.
#NoMakeup #RealMe #SelfieSunday
YOU tell me to watch my mouth
I’ll tell you to watch me kick your ass out the door.
I’m just a mediocre person with prodigious dreams and a mind not set in reality.
These filters help us create who we want to be
You take that away?
We are left staring at our empty palms
configuring our place in society.
#IWokeUpLikeThis #NoFilter
Why we do hate on people that say what they mean when we are thinking the same thing, just too childish to admit it.
Why ARE we trying to change what we look like when we were #BornThisWay ?
I don’t need 20 different pictures to find one BEAUTIFUL one,
I’ll take a look in the mirror and I’ll understand.
I’ll take the pictures
and I’ll write the words for what they truly are:
But life is a mess.
A mess I want to live in
I’ll curse like a sailor
I’ll wear what I want
I’ll stand up for what I believe
Because no matter who I am
No matter how many pictures are taken
No matter what trouble I get into
I’ll come back to being this person
Because when you take away the skin
There’s no beauty to hide behind
There’s no longer an illusion
Your insides will spill out
You will be uncovered
And you will be