When I was very young one day I decided to go and get a rat
Went to the store, picked one out and that was that
This little, misjudged animal taught me a few key things
Don’t take no as an answer, and you’ll get the love you bring
Also be careful on the floor
Don’t bite the TV chords, and don’t let yourself get bored
You can eat things using hands, but clean yourself right after
If you fuck up on the wheel, you’ll be someone’s source of laughter
It’s best to just poop in one corner so your shits not everywhere
You don’t want to be having fun, running around and get it in your hair
Be sweet and kind and gentle, these traits carry on well
It’s okay not to focus on just what you think will sell
Forgiveness is not ignorance, or stupidity
And if I love you, I should hope you will love me!
If something like a rat can connect with me that way,
Then why is it so hard for people to do the same?
I’m thinking it’s all in the brain
Take lessons from these rodents
And please ignore the tail,
Live a loving, happy life but I’ll still see you in Hell!