The Rapper, the Slave Trader, and the Policeman
It used to be a medium Black culture could disseminate
Preaching bout the muzzle, the struggle, and the abundant hate
Always keepin the guard up in case the police might show up
Cause they snatchin up our profits, declaring it’s all illegal
When it’s the system that’s evil
Marginalizing our people
Excluding our voices, keeping our minds simple and feeble
Distant and ignorant, decaying and perpetually primeval
He told you to be the sheep blindly following his herd
If you ain’t rich or white, then be careful with your words
Raping our people and said that it never really occurred
Forget his broken promises, follies, and empty words
He convinced you were inferior, now you gotta hit him where it hurts
He ain’t the true shepherd but the false messiah
Told you to worship a White Christ and accept you’re a pariah
He told us how to talk, how to think, and how to live
He’s afraid that it’s coming, it’s revolution that we’ll give