If we have no hope
Why do we fall?
If the stars are so high
Why do they capture our gaze?
It all gets lost in that haze
We call youth
Where we search for the truth
And we lose ourselves
In the games we all play
That hurt. But hey
We had fun
The end hasn’t come yet
Let’s place our bets now
So we have to meet at the finish
To see who was right
Who knew the end?
Before it came
Well I’ll tell you
This curse is an evil
That can’t be turned off
No matter how hard
I try not to use it
The end just shows itself
And my mind picks it up
And says; what now?
Now that I know the end
Do I give you up?
For the sake of my soul
Or do I hold on
And send intuition to hell
It rides in the hand-basket
Of a small girl called hope
And when it gets their
It withers like the rose
I tried so hard to save
The sparrow whose song
Saved the lone rose in the cold
Had a name and a dream
But she sacrificed both
So that he could thrive
The rose whose petals were painted
Who never had his own color
Because his thoughts were dulled
The cold stole his soul
So she gave hers
So freely she gave her all
So that he could see another fall
The color from her wings
Dripped into water and
Fed his roots
The sound of her song
Helped him to grow
And so when the fall came
And the snow returned
The sparrow was pale and small
But the rose, vibrant and tall
They were both picked up
By a stranger and brought out of the cold
In her wonderland
A mad hatter And a march hare
To guide her through The worries of her mind
The trouble in her soul unbound
She created them so that she wasn’t alone
So that she could make herself feel for things
Things that though they weren’t real, were important
At least to her; She needed someone
Someone who would need her
So she made a monster and a villain
She could slay, so that she would save the day
The red queen and the jabberwocky. Made her a hero
She saves her friends, and so it all ends, there is no longer
A need for wonderland
not all hares are mad and not all hatters love tea
Sometimes they dance
Sometimes they laugh and squeak like mice
Sometimes they are flappers with gangsters for a night
they escape in time where no one will find them
they are not lost because they know where they are
but where they are going nobody yet knows.
A bunny, a squirrel, a rock Thrown into a vortex
Of “what just happened”
And “that was so cool”
Weird faces, and pictures
Lots of pictures
Which are cute, and funny
And when eventually they stop laughing
This never happens
They do it all again