Raise your hand
"Raise your hand if you agree with this statement."
I never did raise my hand because no one else did.
My teacher always got mad and went on a tangent,
I really wish I could of made that bid.
Literature is my favorite subject,
I have an opinion but I never speak,
Different ideas lead to inevitable reject.
I don't want my analysis to be viewed as weak.
I believe pigs can fly,
Technology has gone far.
People will think I have gone ary,
They just focus on The Fault In Our Stars.
What I think right, they think wrong.
I have never met anyone who likes my favorite song.
Nor did I meet someone who never gave me that look,
You know, the one where you just want to have your mouth with a foot.
However, growing up I've realized what should have been obvious,
Mary Jane Holland is the best god damn song that's ever been.
I'll say what I have to say even if I'm seen as slow,
Because pigs can fly, and that smart kid will be the last to know.