I am not a racist.
Just becaues I state a fact.
If you call me a cracker
expect a slur to come back
Don't expect me to take it
Just because I am white
You'd cry "Racist" if i did the same
I'm a minority now.
Or did you forget?
I can cry racist now
But then people get upset
I do not have the right
To be upset or concerned
For us whites had it going for hundreds of years
The past is the past though, and nothing will change it
I cry equality knowing all deserve it.
Dont expect special treatment
Don't expect to be better
If you're equal, you're the same
Aligned right with your neighbor
I'm not a racist in the slightest
I believe we are all perfect, need love
But I'm not taking your slander.
Not yours, or that from anyone.
I am not politically correct
Though I am right in a way
There is no "reverse racism"
Its just racist entirely.