Race and Humanity
Seven continents in the world.
Billions of men, women, boys, and girls.
Humanity is what connects us with all.
Race should not act as a wall.
Separation and discrimination starts dividing
Leave the hate and start uniting
Black, White, Red, Yellow, we are the same
We only identify as humanity, under one name.
Hate and disgust should not be shared
Treatment of every individual should be fair
Riots and looting is not the answer or the key
the answer is coming together as a "we"
discussions should replace violence and hate
compromise is needed before it is too late
We became a nation under the concept of all are created equal
We must follow in our forefather's footsteeps, and ensure a sequel
that the country will not be divideded on the basis of color or race
so that our forefather's blood and efforts shall not be lain waste.